If you cannot seem to keep those pesky burned and degraded polymers out of your product, then it sounds like you need the clean wall technology that Integrated Chemical Concepts Inc has to offer. We are absolute experts and will be able to identify immediately if your polymer problems are the cause of an adapter or co-extrusion flow pipe issue. Then we will get right to work instilling the clean wall technology needed to fix the problem for good. If this sounds like a plan to you, then make sure to put us on the case.

We all know that minimum pressure designs need to be maintained in order to minimize pressure on the flow channels, but the lower pressure often leads to problems with the adapter. At Integrated Chemical Concepts Inc, we understand this delicate balance and can maintain the elements needed to produce the best in precision polyvinyl chloride, polystyrene and polypropylene in the polymer industry. Polystat 7A Antifoulant is a superior clean reactor product with outstanding properties.

Why trust any other company when you can put your polymer production in the hands of the clean wall technology experts? At Integrated Chemical Concepts Inc, we take great pride in both our expertise and our dedication to understanding the technologies and concepts we specialize in. At the end of the day, we take our satisfaction from knowing we have produced the clean wall technology products your company needs in order to stay at the top of your game.

Some benefits that Polystat 7A Antifoulant will provide in terms of its’ Clean Wall Technology capabilities to your polymer production process are:

  • Very efficient in keeping a reactor clean.
  • Perfect leveling and no cratering.
  • Provides coatings with outstanding mechanical properties.
  • Better flow and excellent film continuity.
  • Very effective in corrosion prevention on steel surfaces.
  • Excellent adhesion to stainless steel and glass.
  • One gallon covers up to 400 square feet of surface area.
  • Film thickness that ranges from 0.1 – 120 mills, depending on coating concentration.

Call Integrated Chemical Concepts Inc today for the absolute best in clean wall technology. We look forward to putting our specialists and high end technology to work for your benefit.